Dragonfly SCI offers our 35+ years of sensory and consumer research expertise and knows how to provide actionable and cost-effective statistical analysis results for decision-making. We provide a research toolbox full of applied statistical analysis to maximize learning on time and budget.

Standard and Advanced Data Analysis

The Dragonfly SCI Data and Analytics team is led by Heather Thomas who previously led the data and analytics team at Traogn Corporation. Heather, fresh from Rose Marie Pangborn’s lab, was recommended to Stone & Sidel as a new hire. Heather started in the test kitchen in Redwood City in 1988 and oversaw much of the data collection process. Even as an early professional, she ran a very tight ship! Heather has a love of numbers and statistics and she quickly moved into data and analytics. Her approach helped RedJade Sensory Solutions, LLC build on the software suite of tools developed by Tragon Corporation.

The DragonflySCI team specializes in advanced multivariate techniques including preference segmentation, experimental design/DOE, choice-based modeling, consumer-based descriptive analysis, panel performance, and most any analysis of sensory and consumer data.

Experimental Designs – determine which variables, mixtures, and combinations impact product performance most.

The Dragonfly SCI team has a proven track record using advanced statistical models to optimize product performance regionally, nationally, and globally. We will work with you to design experiments within the constraints of your business objectives and help you develop a sensory specification that makes sense with your production capabilities.

QDA Panel Performance Review (Yearly or Quarterly) – Our team can help you understand your trained panel quality, especially for QDA panels. Work with Heather to understand the panel data in the context of your knowledge. Feedback to the sensory panel moderators helps gather high-quality data.

Discuss the research design, either using your data or collecting data for you. Link your sensory data with consumer and chemical/physical/analytical measures to optimize the consumer experience.

Ask us for a quote! Heather Thomas, Chief, Data & Analytics, Dragonfly SCI, Inc.

contact: hthomas@dragonflysci.com